Sunday, February 20, 2011

The ultimate Trip with seniors

One word to describe the trip : Amazing!
Two short days trip meant a whole life for each and everyone in that trip. It was Awesome. Food and places that we've been are just superbly nice. I am seriously gonna miss them after they graduate. gawddd.... Where can I get those fun again after they graduate?

Taiping and Ipoh. That's the two ultimate place that we went. Superbly nice. haha.... Taiping was fun. I love the smell of village and sweat gao gao when we eat. Isn't just the way villagers eat? I just simply love it.

Ipoh. The place that I miss so much. gosh... I love there till max!! How I miss the food there. Ipoh white coffee especially. You definitely cannot find them else where except for Ipoh town itself! gawdddd.... Love it!!

Everyone talked bout their childhood memories which makes me think back when I was a little girl. LOL... playing with brother and snatching his stuff to be mine is the best part of my childhood memories! haha... I still remember how angry he is when I cry and told mummy that I want his toy!!! *evil*

Everyone talked bout their own childhood memories where everyone laugh. Gosh... The laugh that I've been missing!!! I just love them. It was a superbly nice trip!!

In the future, kids won't be able to experience what we experience. They're gonna face gadgets and gadgets only. play station, I-phone and I-pad are their only topic. yeap... this kinda childhood memories should be sealed and locked in our brain. It's just priceless!!

Everyone gone crazy when they saw toy shop. lol... that's the funniest part. haha!! crazy* I am superbly glad that They love the places I brought them. Thank God for HIS guidance. Hallelujah.

Massive gastric that I've never experience before. gawdd.... one whole evening spoilt by my stomach. sighhh... my stomach cramp until now. I can't walk straight. goshh.... Am gonna walk like an old lady this two days.

doc said, no oily food, no spicy stuff and most of all no cold milk. She says cold milk like normal dutch lady pack is not good for our body. Calcium that contained in cold milk won't be absorbed by our bone. cool!! I've learnt a new fact! :) ouh yea... she even mentioned that some peope died because of cold milk. ewwww~~ so, its a big NONO for me anymore! :)

NO SUPPER FOR ME ANYMORE. eww.... the suckiest part of all!!! so D-A-M-N!!


His election is tomorrow. I know he is busy with his stuff, but still, he got time for me. I am so glad that he called. All the best for him from the bottom of my heart. xoxo!

Pictures are in facebook. Please go like them!! Cuz I love all of the photos we've taken! <3

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