He knows i'm stress and he got me this.... ahh... thanks. <3
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The best Thing
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Fruitful day indeed!!! Woke up early in the morning to get my baby myvi for service! Imagine me waking up at 6.30am on saturday morning... ewwwww, right?! haha... I know!! Cousin texted me, asking me for lunch together with uncle n aunts cuz is baby Nadia's one month birthday! I'm shooo excited for the lunch just now, cuz its been quite some time since I last saw Nadia. I wonder how she is right now!! :)
Things got worse when I had sorta expired bread from bread history!! Omgness!! I couldn't stand the pain while I was otw to cousin's house. So yea, I called my cousin, informing her that I won't be able to attend the lunch. ahhh... *sad*
ahh... Me went for movie with him at first avenue after I felt much better. "drive angry" is the movie. Star rating, 0/10! Superbly VIOLENT movie which I memang antiiiiii all these while!! ewwwww..... tak suka Nicholas cage act those kinda character mann!!!
Went to SNL just now. yeah, Love the talk. Imigrant workers. We, Malaysians, don't appreciate them, we treat them as if they are responsible to do those jobs. They too, have their own family, their own dignity. hmmm..... Imagine one day Malaysia for not having those imigrants building our sky-scrapers!! Dear Lord, please bless them.
ps : L.O.V.E
Thursday, February 24, 2011
First public performance
I didn't know moving instruments is a tiring job until todayh! omgness... one hour performance with so much effort put into! ahh... my muscle!! pain!! I've gotto carry bass guitar some more!

He came. I'm glad that he came. superb happy that he gave me m&m! weee.... my fav with peanuts some more!! wuuuuu!!!
ps : sending my baby myvi for service this saturday for the first time in Penang. :)
pss: mooovviieeee after thatttt!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
mood : Save you by kelly clarkson!
Tiring day. But I'm glad that I've used up the day well. English class was at 8.30am, but I went at 9am! lol... Straight kena buat essay once I stepped into the room!! goshh... Luckily It was in the morning and I'm still bluurrrrr with things. blaaa... I just wrote what's in my head!
Straight after English class was music history class. Lucky us to have exam last week, if not i'm so dead this morning! Straight after Music history, here comes my piano and cello class. I practically ran towards my car and get back to my room to get my baby cello. Rush siall!!!
pastu, came back around 3 without having any lunch mua rush towards music room to practice for tomorrow's performance. omgness.... luckily I asked Elaine to buy me lunch, if not, i'm gonna have gastric for the 2nd time in a week!!! Thanks to her!!
omgness... Then class at 5 pulak. stupid critical thinking!! grrrr.... tak suka sial!!! That lecturer who wears the same pants everyweek and wears a cap to class!! apala!!! *slap*
Got back to room and straight *piaakk* on my bed!! ewww....
Night time, mua had dinner with him. lovely one. :)
me miss you like ALOT!!! once a week is more than enough. Me likey!!! hipp hipp hurrayy!! IMY!!!! xxxxx!!
till then, all the best to me for my first public performance with all my coursemates!!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The ultimate Trip with seniors
One word to describe the trip : Amazing!
Two short days trip meant a whole life for each and everyone in that trip. It was Awesome. Food and places that we've been are just superbly nice. I am seriously gonna miss them after they graduate. gawddd.... Where can I get those fun again after they graduate?
Taiping and Ipoh. That's the two ultimate place that we went. Superbly nice. haha.... Taiping was fun. I love the smell of village and sweat gao gao when we eat. Isn't just the way villagers eat? I just simply love it.
Ipoh. The place that I miss so much. gosh... I love there till max!! How I miss the food there. Ipoh white coffee especially. You definitely cannot find them else where except for Ipoh town itself! gawdddd.... Love it!!
Everyone talked bout their childhood memories which makes me think back when I was a little girl. LOL... playing with brother and snatching his stuff to be mine is the best part of my childhood memories! haha... I still remember how angry he is when I cry and told mummy that I want his toy!!! *evil*
Everyone talked bout their own childhood memories where everyone laugh. Gosh... The laugh that I've been missing!!! I just love them. It was a superbly nice trip!!
In the future, kids won't be able to experience what we experience. They're gonna face gadgets and gadgets only. play station, I-phone and I-pad are their only topic. yeap... this kinda childhood memories should be sealed and locked in our brain. It's just priceless!!
Everyone gone crazy when they saw toy shop. lol... that's the funniest part. haha!! crazy* I am superbly glad that They love the places I brought them. Thank God for HIS guidance. Hallelujah.
Massive gastric that I've never experience before. gawdd.... one whole evening spoilt by my stomach. sighhh... my stomach cramp until now. I can't walk straight. goshh.... Am gonna walk like an old lady this two days.
doc said, no oily food, no spicy stuff and most of all no cold milk. She says cold milk like normal dutch lady pack is not good for our body. Calcium that contained in cold milk won't be absorbed by our bone. cool!! I've learnt a new fact! :) ouh yea... she even mentioned that some peope died because of cold milk. ewwww~~ so, its a big NONO for me anymore! :)
NO SUPPER FOR ME ANYMORE. eww.... the suckiest part of all!!! so D-A-M-N!!
His election is tomorrow. I know he is busy with his stuff, but still, he got time for me. I am so glad that he called. All the best for him from the bottom of my heart. xoxo!
Pictures are in facebook. Please go like them!! Cuz I love all of the photos we've taken! <3
Friday, February 18, 2011
I tak boleh tahan every events without a proper camera!!!! grrrr!!! ><

Ps : The mummy said I can get a new phone. *wink*
ps: cuz my phone memang cacat edi.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It's 16th of February and one of my bestie is leaving Malaysia. Sigh.. one more gone. I hate saying goodbyes and seeing friends leaving one by one. She's leaving for Auckland. Gosh... I never thought this day would come until now. :'(.
It is no doubt sad to say goodbye. I'd certainly cry if I am the one who leaves mummy and daddy for a year or two by not seeing them although I know technology advances today. But, it is different by seeing face to face.
Well, I seriously hope that She's gonna do well in Auckland. God bless her.
I hate saying goodbyes. That's for sure. And I suck at saying good bye like everytime.
Jia you, babe!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My baby

His smile would be the cutest of all babies at daddy's centre. gawd. he's just cute. I went back the other day and had a peek at 3 years old. They are just the most adorable class ever. Whenever I enter that class, I'd feel like a small child again. gawdd.... How I miss playing with them! haha.... *mushh musshh*
ps : tengah stress nih. *crazy*
Monday, February 14, 2011
The special day
Tadaa!! :P
Before I start my story, have a look see at my babes first. 3 pretty ladies went out on a night to E-gate. Supposedly makan kat Hidden, but then i suggested E-gate. Then we wanted to enter some kinda Italian restaurant, but FULL la of course. Then ended up go papa rich. But then, those foods there weren't meant for V day, so We masuk Secret recipe after angie went to survey! haha.... Love them till max! Pictures!!!
Giee, Yjing and mua!
Yinn Jeng and Mua. xxxxx!!
Valentine's this year was a whole new experience. I woke up from a dream of me receiving suprise and, it did come true when someone came knocking at my door as early as 8.30am. I was in a really blur mood where I wasn't in my specs. gosh.. I was squinting my eyes to look at the flower girl. -.-...
He bought a bouquet of chocolates which is my favourite of all time! haha... Love them till max. I cannot resist the temptation of looking at those chocolates without eating it, so I've got one ball out and MAKAN lah of course! apala....
dinner? nah.. I didn't went out with him. He got this cell group thingy but then he texted me his cell group was cancelled when I was out with my girls.
Everything started like 4 months ago. hmm.... he said something that.. um... made me think? I was waiting for him to say those words like 3 months ago. I think these 4 months made us understand each other more. It was a great night after dining with my babes there. Me talked with him for almost 2 hours? haha... I don't let him go away till pass Vday. *wink*
Anyways, I'm really glad to have you. *hugs*
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How I love driving beetle. omgness..... I love driving beetle. I love driving beetle!!! I love driving beetle, I love driving beetle.... haha... I can go all day long!! But I still love my Myvi. :)
Things had been so complicated nowadays. goshhh... Had critical thinking class in the evening and what the lecturer said kept me thinking. It keeps running in my mind till I don't have the mood to go for dinner just now. sighh.
CANCER. 6 words who kills so many people in the family. :'(. *someone* might be one of the victim someday in the future. That's why I've been emphasizing appreciate everyone around. Live life, LOVE life.
I'm Scare tho. yeap, i'm scare.
nvm... like I mentioned earlier, live life!! These are some of the picta that I got them from Kah hui's new ELM...

Kah hui & mua
till then.
ps : Valentine's, anyone?
Monday, February 7, 2011
First day of February. Welcome Nadia to this world.
She's here after each and everyone waiting for months and months. Everyone anticipates her arrival. omgness... She's the cutest little thing I've ever laid eyes on!
I went to visit her this afternoon. She's only 5 days old. Her skin is still in pinkish. Gawd.. I can't take my eyes off her once I look at her. I can't stop myself from smiling when I look at her. gosh...
I stayed with her for more than 5 hours today. And I notice that how a mother sacrifice their own sweet time just to look after her 24/7. How the baby reluctantly drink the milk, how the baby cry for her own mother and so on so forth lah.
I held her hands of course. Believe it or not, her whole hands can only grab my one finger. omg.... God's creation, how wonderful it is! How the baby grows. omg... I can't really describe the feeling i'm having right now. Her fingers felt so soft... omg.... *heart melts*
Nadia, loves sleeping while the tv is on. isn't she wonderful?? She loves music according to what her grandma said.
When I look at her, my heart melts. Each and every emo things gone!
Her cry, memang macam alarm clock. haha... every two hours, she need to be fed. every hour she'll poo. haha.. *normal la for newborn*
I didn't carry her, cuz she's like sooooo FRAGILE. omgness.. the head can turn like 360degress... * exaggerating*
5 days old. still can't believe it. :) When she open her eyes, u'd want her to look at you and call u. haha...
May God bless her.
ps : Iwanthebraceletefromindia!!
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