Friday, March 27, 2009

27 March 2009

I went to school as usual around 7.10am.


Rained quite heavily this morning


Once I stepped into my class, I saw this on the board


Ain't of us got a clue who wrote those words (its nice though)


Well, I brought phone to school today, so guess what i did? Take pictures la of course!

That's Teng's bear which i love to squeeze between our dissecting set on my table!!

That's Mr. Bunny on the right with its own Frame and 3 bears at the back....

Gossipin anyone??


We went to Multimedia room to "escape" from a talk in the hall.



That's Fern and Qian studying bio.. (notice them holding hands). well, i ASSUME that's asexual reproduction! haha...

Hui ling and yi po quickly pose! haha...

Then, i went to U6Sc3, there's another thing i notice on the board...

I personally love the lower stanza....

27 of march meant alot to me, cuz its been 8months since IT started. * LOVES*

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