Friday, March 27, 2009

27 March 2009

I went to school as usual around 7.10am.


Rained quite heavily this morning


Once I stepped into my class, I saw this on the board


Ain't of us got a clue who wrote those words (its nice though)


Well, I brought phone to school today, so guess what i did? Take pictures la of course!

That's Teng's bear which i love to squeeze between our dissecting set on my table!!

That's Mr. Bunny on the right with its own Frame and 3 bears at the back....

Gossipin anyone??


We went to Multimedia room to "escape" from a talk in the hall.



That's Fern and Qian studying bio.. (notice them holding hands). well, i ASSUME that's asexual reproduction! haha...

Hui ling and yi po quickly pose! haha...

Then, i went to U6Sc3, there's another thing i notice on the board...

I personally love the lower stanza....

27 of march meant alot to me, cuz its been 8months since IT started. * LOVES*


hey guys! finally i've got myself a CHAT BOX just RIGHT there!! so leave so comments or drop any message for me! More updates coming up!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


We didn't know each other until i went to this school last year. Everything changed when i entered this school. My circle of friends changes where i met with a bunch of new friends. Luckily i was able to adapt to the environment here withouth any problem. I really Thanked God that HE take me to the right path and show me the right way to walk until today.

But, everything seems to change last October when she don't talk to me anymore. We were best friends since we met last year, but "hell" knows what happened until we didn't talk to each other.

I have to admit that I had a tough week last this week.....

Monday, Went to school as usual. mood was happy until Datin Kala ( bio teacher ) said that our insect project and plant collection project were not as good where some of the plants grew moss. well, i really was speechless as i didn't really do anything about the project. My classmates went to see their own group's colllection, leaving me, alone infront of the bio lab, sitting there, acting like i was really busy there.

Tuesday, Had biology experiment and chemistry experiment.

Thursday, someone said that i'm money minded person.

Friday, Datin Kala said my group had no problem at all in our Ecology project. I was speechless too cuz what i do in that project was only some typings and one drawing.

well, Frankly speaking, until today i don't really know what really happens last october that makes two of us nothing to talk with each other. my friends keep asking me to forget about it, but somehow, i just couldn't let it off my mind.

We don't use to be like last time anymore though we talk to each other everyday. something seems to be missing between us.

P/s : waiting for the answer........